B7L9 Art Station

The B7L9 is the first art station in Tunis located in a rural suburb that offers a full annual programme of artistic and cultural events accessible free of charge to all. As the first permanent location of the Kamel Lazaar Foundation, the B7L9 is a tool that promotes the implementation of the foundation's missions and actions to, on one hand:

  • to provide a place for artists to experiment, develop and exhibit their practice, or conduct research
  • to provide the artistic and scientific community with a place for exchange, sharing, meetings and debates to explore new ideas and concepts
  • to experiment and create new networks and new ways of collaboration between different communities

And, on an other hand

  • democratize contemporary art and cultural provision in general by encouraging guest artists to interact with local communities through workshops, seminars, events or outreach programmes
  • to reinforce social cohesion by promoting the plurality of speakers (artists, thinkers, citizens, researchers, etc.) and therefore cultural diversity and the mixing of audiences
  • contribute to the integration of populations of foreign origin - Bhar Lazreg has a large population from sub-Saharan Africa.
  • creating social and economic impact in disadvantaged areas through art and culture
  • changing the relationship between centre and periphery, regional and international
  • to trigger an intercultural dialogue with local and global institutions and actors

