ماحي بنيبين

Trois hommes et une valise



Wax and pigments on wood


195 x 130 cm

السيرة الذاتية للفنان

Mahi BINEBINE (Marrakech - Morocco, 1959).

He moved to Marrakech permanently in 2002 after having lived and worked in Paris, New York and Madrid for a long time. The career of Binebine is atypical: professor of mathematics in Paris, he left teaching in the late 80s to devote himself to writing and painting, and recently, sculpture.

His most famous novels include The Lord Will Reward You The Stars of Sidi Moumen Le griot de Marrakech ; and Terre d'ombre brulée. These novels have been translated into a dozen languages ​​and have marked him as one of Morocco's most talented writers. Exhibited in France, New York, Germany and the United States, his work was noticed by important art critics and major collectors and is found in many public and private collections including the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Museum of Bank Al Maghrib, the Kinda Foundation, the Museum of Marrakech, Kamel Lazaar Foundation, Société Générale, Attijariwafa Bank, Credit Agricole of Morocco, the CIH Morocco, BMCE Bank and the Depository for and management.
